Looney Tunes

aka Luna – Ch Ourgang Unbelievable – 3/7/23

Ch Wooloostaff Devils Undeniable x Ch Ourgang Dammit Janet

Looney is my spoilt little brat, only a small girl standing at just under 15″ we dont think she is going to get any bigger so she is at the bottom half of the standard but in standard so time will tell how she goes, some judges will knock her for her size, some will accept it for what she is.
She is one of those “busy busy” dogs who always like to be in the thick of things – the ‘active and agile’ part of the standard certainly applies. She loves her cuddles though and is a big hit always at Mum’s retirement village when we visit, her small stature being handy then.

We hope for big things from this girl however she does NOT like showing but we have a bit of an agreement though it is sorely tested when she wins and has to go in again … (add in dog eye roll which she has perfected). She does the job as long as I don’t tighten that chain. Takes after her Daddy in this regard and does the job, not the show pony her mother is. Isn’t it always the way that you finally get a dog you really love and they hate showing… ah well, we will work with it and get her through.

She gained her title with ease at 10 months old, what more can we ask for except maybe stop the tree climbing and bush jumping … you do not need to catch every bird …

Her critiques so far are:

Mrs Lynn Casswell – Wavemaker USA – SBTC Vic March 2024
– 1st Minor Bitch & Opp Minor in Show
Beautifully balanced very promising young bitch, gorgeous head with distinct stop and very dark eyes, no wrinkle. Feminine head you simply cannot miss, stands on strong front pastern and good bend of stifle with well boned legs in a perfectly balanced four squared manner. Fantastic expression.

Mr Gary Nicholson – Ballindona UK – SBTC Vic March 2024
– 1st Minor Bitch & Minor in Show
Another beautiful puppy that is feminine in gleaming coat, she has a lovely headpiece for a baby, neat ears, dark round eye, clean in muzzle, deep stop leading to an enchanting expression, good fore-chest, lovely wide front on strong columns, tight feet, rib developing nicely, short in coupling, good angulations front and back, moved well both ways and handled well, another puppy that has a bright future. I was pleased to award her BEST MINOR PUPPY IN SHOW.

Ms Nicola Yates – Yakindow – ACT & Dist SBTC Apr 2024 – 2nd in Puppy Bitch. Smaller bitch in substance than first place with a softer but still bold expression. Pleasing head shape with broad skull, short foreface and correct bite. Dark eyes that could be a touch larger and rose ears that I’d prefer a touch neater in set and size. She has width of chest without being too deep and is developing rib. Her front is straight with neat feet that turn slightly, she is close coupled with a well angulated rear, correct tail set and carriage on the move.

Ms Paula Hill – Magicmine – ACT & Dist SBTC Apr 2024
– 1st Puppy Bitch & Opp Puppy in Show
What a sweet puppy this was, she took everything in her stride, another I’d take home. Very promising puppy with breed type, strong head of correct proportions. Distinct stop, strong muzzle, good underjaw, pronounced cheek muscles, correct bite, dark eyes set correctly, lovely expression, rose ears which she used well, straight front, tight feet, short strong neck leading into well laid shoulders, well sprung ribs for her age, well muscled, correct tail set, short coat in gleaming condition, good rear angulations, nice going and coming, level topline held on the move and while standing, handled well. Best of luck with her.

Mr Andy Meyren – Fergiestaff (UK) – West of the Divide SBTC Jun 2024
– 1st Puppy Bitch, Best Puppy in Show, Puppy of the Day
Black Brindle. Nice and clean well balanced bitch, good head, neat ears, a dark eye, correct muzzle length and distinct stop, correct bite. Straight front, ample bone, up on her toes with no weakness in the pasterns. Compact short coupled body, level topline and a spring of rib, a defined rear end with nice bend of stifle, correct tail set, moved and handled well.

Onyx > Rizzo > Janet > Muriel