Ourgang’s History

Photo 2018 – Belinda and I with (L to R) – Story, Onyx, Kenickie, Jitterbug, Rizzo and Freddie

2024 – Belinda and I with (L to R) – Muriel, Janet, Rizzo, Story, Onyx, Kenickie, Looney & Promise the Pomeranian

Ourgang is the Prefix of Annabel Wolf from NSW, Australia. I started the prefix in 1992, I had originally wanted Wolfgang as my prefix, for my name, but it was already taken. Ourgang was my second choice as I really liked the Ginger Meggs Ourgang Series and they are certainly “Ours” and they are definitely a “Gang”.

I started with a Stafford x Kelpie from the RSPCA named “Cloe” in 1986 and she introduced me to the Stafford side of the world seeing that I had Border Collies & Kelpies growing up on a sheep station. My first purebred Stafford was “Sprog” (gaelic for “Little Child”) aka Lagoona Lady Daisy CD. Sproggy dog was a lady in all ways and made many non Stafford people like Staffords with her winning ways. Unfortunately she was not able to be bred from as she didn’t pass her health tests so I then purchased my foundation girl “Rage” Ch Borstaff All The Rage CD from the famous Borstaff Kennels of Linda Szirer in Victoria, all of my dogs today descend from Rage.

I bred my first litter in 1993 and have now bred 25 litters up to 2023 (30 years). I only breed when I want to keep something or have a specific home lined up (not that this always works out how we want it to go) so I don’t breed that often.

When I look for homes I look for people with the same attitude hence why most of my puppies are sold to lovely pet homes & quite frankly I prefer it that way though if you want to try showing I am happy to help. There are many other arenas that Staffords can compete in as well – most of which Ourgang Dogs have done and done well in – Flyball, Lure Coursing, Agility, Scentwork, Trick Dogs, Obedience & Rally O, Fitness etc

For those of you that think there is money in breeding, the most I have “made” on a litter is $695 total, the most I have lost on a litter is $5488. Think about what you are risking before you breed (potentially the life of the mother, a huge amount of time & stress & potentially money) and only breed if you are prepared to pour your heart and soul into a litter and open your wallet wide if necessary – you are responsible for them for life as far as I am concerned! It was your decision to bring them into the world so think carefully before you breed.

Enjoy looking through our website, I have tried to add as much information on each of the dogs I have bred as I can, if you are a former or current Ourgang dog owner and I have lost contact with you I would love to hear from you again – thewolfsden@bigpond.com or find me on Facebook.

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